The Montgomery County Bar Association along with Circuit Court Judge Johnny Hardwick hosted a Continuing Legal Education event to demonstrate how to move away from paper in the digital age. The court has been encouraging litigators to use their online systems for all processing and paperwork needs.
This CLE was split into four different segments:
1. AlaFile & AlaCourt: Navigate your way through Alabama’s E-filing and viewing applications
2. Online Traffic Resolution (OTR): Resolving your case online.
3. E-Exhibits: AlaFile’s new exhibit module
4. Digital Technology in the Courtroom: How to use the updated presentation equipment

As the date drew closer for the event, the MCBA received an overwhelming number of requests for the event to be streamed online for those not available to attend in person.
This is where Cite was called upon for its expertise in digital technology.
Cite broadcasted an HD Live-Stream video feed of the presenters in the courtroom through Zoom while showing the presenter’s PowerPoint presentations simultaneously. Picture-in-Picture technology is common practice for Cite Videographers, and this CLE event was a great opportunity to utilize the same techniques. The audience attending via zoom were able to have an immersive experience and receive credit for the virtual CLE the same as if they were attending in person.